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Average rating: 5.0

(Translated by Google) Friendly service, pleasant atmosphere (Original) Sõbralik teenindus, meeldiv õhkkond

Anett Lehtmets


(Translated by Google) I recently bought jewelry in your store, then I became your client and have already bought several items, I really liked your girls Katya and Tatya... (Translated by Google) I recently bought jewelry in your store, then I became your client and have already bought several items, I really liked your girls Katya and Tatyana, thank you for the excellent service. (Original) Недавно покупала ювелирные изделия в вашем магазине,затем стала вашим клиентом и уже несколько изделий купила,мне очень понравились ваши девушки Катя и Татьяна, спасибо за отличное обслуживание.


(Translated by Google) I recently bought jewelry in your store, then I became your client and have already bought several items, I really liked your girls Katya and Tatya... (Translated by Google) I recently bought jewelry in your store, then I became your client and have already bought several items, I really liked your girls Katya and Tatyana, thank you for the excellent service. (Original) Недавно покупала ювелирные изделия в вашем магазине,затем стала вашим клиентом и уже несколько изделий купила,мне очень понравились ваши девушки Катя и Татьяна, спасибо за отличное обслуживание.

Светлана Ходосенко


(Translated by Google) Cute decorations. Prices are average. The assortment is good. (Original) Симпатичные украшения. Цены средние. Ассортимент неплохой.

Tatiana К


(Translated by Google) Cute decorations. Prices are average. The assortment is good. (Original) Симпатичные украшения. Цены средние. Ассортимент неплохой.


(Translated by Google) Extremely nice and welcoming staff! Thank you very much for your service! (Original) Ülimalt toreda ja vastutulelik personal! Väga suur tänu teeni... (Translated by Google) Extremely nice and welcoming staff! Thank you very much for your service! (Original) Ülimalt toreda ja vastutulelik personal! Väga suur tänu teeniduse eest!


(Translated by Google) Extremely nice and welcoming staff! Thank you very much for your service! (Original) Ülimalt toreda ja vastutulelik personal! Väga suur tänu teeni... (Translated by Google) Extremely nice and welcoming staff! Thank you very much for your service! (Original) Ülimalt toreda ja vastutulelik personal! Väga suur tänu teeniduse eest!

Vilhelm Jaaku


(Translated by Google) Hello I visited your wonderful store today and I really liked the service. I bought 3 beautiful pieces of jewelry, which the attendant, whose name ... (Translated by Google) Hello I visited your wonderful store today and I really liked the service. I bought 3 beautiful pieces of jewelry, which the attendant, whose name is Jekaterina, helped me choose. She is very friendly, helpful, polite and dedicated to the customer. I want to praise and acknowledge her so that she will continue so much good energy and positivity. Thank you very much (Original) Tere Külastasin täna Teie imelist kauplust ja meeldis väga teenindus.Ostsin 3 imekaunist ehet,mida aitas mul valida teenindaja,kelle nimi on Jekaterina.Ta on väga sõbralik, abivalmis, kliendi suhtes viisakas ja pühendunud.Tahan teda väga kiita ja tunnustada,et tal jätkuks edaspidigi nii palju head energiat ja positiivsust. Suur tänu ????

Marika Krapivin


(Translated by Google) A very nice girl Tatyana helped me choose jewelry, the choice of which is very large and affordable. I am sure that I will come back here again and... (Translated by Google) A very nice girl Tatyana helped me choose jewelry, the choice of which is very large and affordable. I am sure that I will come back here again and again! Service 12 out of 10 Assortment 10 out of 10 Prices 12 out of 10 (Original) Очень приятная девушка Татьяна помогла выбрать украшения, выбор которых очень большой и доступный по цене. Уверен что вернусь сюда и не раз! Обслуживание 12 из 10 Ассортимент 10 из 10 Цены 12 из 10

Саша Косинцев


(Translated by Google) A very nice girl, Tatyana, helped me choose jewelry, the selection of which was very large and affordable. I'm sure I'll come back here more than o... (Translated by Google) A very nice girl, Tatyana, helped me choose jewelry, the selection of which was very large and affordable. I'm sure I'll come back here more than once! Service 12 out of 10 Assortment 10 out of 10 Prices 12 out of 10 (Original) Очень приятная девушка Татьяна помогла выбрать украшения, выбор которых очень большой и доступный по цене. Уверен что вернусь сюда и не раз! Обслуживание 12 из 10 Ассортимент 10 из 10 Цены 12 из 10

Oleksandr Kosyntsev


(Translated by Google) A very nice girl, Tatyana, helped me choose jewelry, the selection of which was very large and affordable. I'm sure I'll come back here more than o... (Translated by Google) A very nice girl, Tatyana, helped me choose jewelry, the selection of which was very large and affordable. I'm sure I'll come back here more than once! Service 12 out of 10 Assortment 10 out of 10 Prices 12 out of 10 (Original) Очень приятная девушка Татьяна помогла выбрать украшения, выбор которых очень большой и доступный по цене. Уверен что вернусь сюда и не раз! Обслуживание 12 из 10 Ассортимент 10 из 10 Цены 12 из 10


(Translated by Google) The girl Katerina really liked how she offers the goods, she told everything she made a purchase (Original) Девушка Катерина очень понравиоась как... (Translated by Google) The girl Katerina really liked how she offers the goods, she told everything she made a purchase (Original) Девушка Катерина очень понравиоась как предлагает товар все расскащыввет сделала покупку

Irina Zvereva


(Translated by Google) The girl Katerina really liked how she offered the product and told everything she made a purchase. (Original) Девушка Катерина очень понравиоась ... (Translated by Google) The girl Katerina really liked how she offered the product and told everything she made a purchase. (Original) Девушка Катерина очень понравиоась как предлагает товар все расскащыввет сделала покупку


(Translated by Google) I really liked the service, they helped me to find a gift, it was so difficult to choose, but Jekaterina was very helpful, a very polite and public... (Translated by Google) I really liked the service, they helped me to find a gift, it was so difficult to choose, but Jekaterina was very helpful, a very polite and public person, I was grateful! I highly recommend visiting, there are many different kinds of jewelry, you can still choose the one you like or several.))) (Original) Väga meeldis teenindus, aitasid otsida kingitust, oli nii raske valida, aga Jekaterina väga aitas, väga viisakas ja avalik inimene, olin tänulik! Väga soovitan külastada, väga palju erinevaid juveeliehteid, saab ikka valida enda sobiva või mitu.)))


(Translated by Google) I really liked the service, they helped me to find a gift, it was so difficult to choose, but Jekaterina was very helpful, a very polite and public... (Translated by Google) I really liked the service, they helped me to find a gift, it was so difficult to choose, but Jekaterina was very helpful, a very polite and public person, I was grateful! I highly recommend visiting, there are a lot of different jewels, you can still choose the one you like or several.))) (Original) Väga meeldis teenindus, aitasid otsida kingitust, oli nii raske valida, aga Jekaterina väga aitas, väga viisakas ja avalik inimene, olin tänulik! Väga soovitan külastada, väga palju erinevaid juveeliehteid, saab ikka valida enda sobiva või mitu.)))

Albina Aidõnbekova


(Translated by Google) We came last week to select products. The seller Ekaterina was very friendly and helped me make a choice. Thanks to her for her help. (Original) П... (Translated by Google) We came last week to select products. The seller Ekaterina was very friendly and helped me make a choice. Thanks to her for her help. (Original) Приходили на прошлой неделе выбирать изделия. Продавец Екатерина очень приветливая, помогла определиться с выбором. Спасибо ей за помощь.


(Translated by Google) Came here last week to pick up items. Seller Ekaterina is very friendly, helped to make a choice. Thanks to her for her help. (Original) Приходили... (Translated by Google) Came here last week to pick up items. Seller Ekaterina is very friendly, helped to make a choice. Thanks to her for her help. (Original) Приходили на прошлой неделе выбирать изделия. Продавец Екатерина очень приветливая, помогла определиться с выбором. Спасибо ей за помощь.

Dmitri Mamkin


(Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with your store! The range is not expensive and the selection is good. , the seller Ekaterina is very attentive, showed everyth... (Translated by Google) I am very satisfied with your store! The range is not expensive and the selection is good. , the seller Ekaterina is very attentive, showed everything and picked it up as I wanted. Thank you so much, I will visit your store!! (Original) Очень осталась довольна вашим магазином ! Ассортимент не дорогой и выбор хороший. , продавец Екатерина очень внимательная ,все показала и подобрала так как я хотела .огромное спасибо ,буду посещать ваш магазин!!

regina zaljubovskaja


(Translated by Google) I was very pleased with your store! The selection is not expensive and the selection is good. , the seller Ekaterina is very attentive, she showed ... (Translated by Google) I was very pleased with your store! The selection is not expensive and the selection is good. , the seller Ekaterina is very attentive, she showed me everything and selected it the way I wanted. Thank you very much, I will visit your store!! (Original) Очень осталась довольна вашим магазином ! Ассортимент не дорогой и выбор хороший. , продавец Екатерина очень внимательная ,все показала и подобрала так как я хотела .огромное спасибо ,буду посещать ваш магазин!!


(Translated by Google) Sometimes I visit your store in Magistrala Keskus. Great service. Many thanks to Tatyana and Ekaterina!!!!! (Original) Иногда посещаю ваш магазин ... (Translated by Google) Sometimes I visit your store in Magistrala Keskus. Great service. Many thanks to Tatyana and Ekaterina!!!!! (Original) Иногда посещаю ваш магазин в Магистрали кескусе. Отличное обслуживание. Огромное спасибо Татьяне и Екатерине!!!!!


Иногда посещаю ваш магазин в Магистрали кескусе. Отличное обслуживание. Огромное спасибо Татьяне и Екатерине!!!!!

Ilona Paumets


(Translated by Google) Thank you very much for the pleasant service, the seller Ekaterina, she helped me choose a set, I left very satisfied (Original) Спасибо большое з... (Translated by Google) Thank you very much for the pleasant service, the seller Ekaterina, she helped me choose a set, I left very satisfied (Original) Спасибо большое за приятное обслуживание,продавец Екатерина,помогла подобрать комплект,я ушла очень довольная


(Translated by Google) Thank you very much for the pleasant service, the seller Ekaterina, helped me choose a set, I left very satisfied (Original) Спасибо большое за пр... (Translated by Google) Thank you very much for the pleasant service, the seller Ekaterina, helped me choose a set, I left very satisfied (Original) Спасибо большое за приятное обслуживание,продавец Екатерина,помогла подобрать комплект,я ушла очень довольная

Larissa Potapenko


Väga hea teenindus ja kauba valik.

Merline Virves


(Translated by Google) Very good service and product selection. (Original) Väga hea teenindus ja kauba valik.


Хочу поблагодарить ювелирный магазин Given за ювелирные украшения прекрасного качества. А так же выразить особую благодарность консультанту Анастасии за ее профессионали... Хочу поблагодарить ювелирный магазин Given за ювелирные украшения прекрасного качества. А так же выразить особую благодарность консультанту Анастасии за ее профессионализм тактичность и дружелюбие.

Viktoria Moneva


(Translated by Google) I would like to thank the Given jewelry store for the excellent quality jewelry. And also express special gratitude to consultant Anastasia for her... (Translated by Google) I would like to thank the Given jewelry store for the excellent quality jewelry. And also express special gratitude to consultant Anastasia for her professionalism, tact and friendliness. (Original) Хочу поблагодарить ювелирный магазин Given за ювелирные украшения прекрасного качества. А так же выразить особую благодарность консультанту Анастасии за ее профессионализм тактичность и дружелюбие.


Прекрасное обслуживаение. Консультант Ирина создаёт настроение и помогает сделать выбор. Предлагает удобные варианты оформления покупки и просто оставляет о себе и о мага... Прекрасное обслуживаение. Консультант Ирина создаёт настроение и помогает сделать выбор. Предлагает удобные варианты оформления покупки и просто оставляет о себе и о магазине приятное впечатление. Спасибо GIVEN by Grenardi | Ülemiste и самой Ирине :)

Tatjana Talanova


(Translated by Google) Great service. Consultant Irina creates the mood and helps you make a choice. Offers convenient options for making a purchase and simply leaves a p... (Translated by Google) Great service. Consultant Irina creates the mood and helps you make a choice. Offers convenient options for making a purchase and simply leaves a pleasant impression of yourself and the store. Thanks GIVEN by Grenardi | Ülemiste and Irina herself :) (Original) Прекрасное обслуживаение. Консультант Ирина создаёт настроение и помогает сделать выбор. Предлагает удобные варианты оформления покупки и просто оставляет о себе и о магазине приятное впечатление. Спасибо GIVEN by Grenardi | Ülemiste и самой Ирине :)


Ülimeeldiv teeninduskogemus!???? Mõnus personaalne lähenemine, nagu oleks sõbrannaga koos ehteid valinud. Kahjuks ei mäleta teenindaja nime, oli noorem tumedapäine naiste... Ülimeeldiv teeninduskogemus!???? Mõnus personaalne lähenemine, nagu oleks sõbrannaga koos ehteid valinud. Kahjuks ei mäleta teenindaja nime, oli noorem tumedapäine naisterahvas(venelanna). Andke talle kiitused edasi???? Ja kiidan ka poe sisekujundust! Külastan kindlasti ise ja soovitan ka teistele.

Moonika Merivälja


(Translated by Google) A wonderful service experience! Nice personal approach, as if choosing jewelry together with a friend. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of ... (Translated by Google) A wonderful service experience! Nice personal approach, as if choosing jewelry together with a friend. Unfortunately, I don't remember the name of the server, she was a younger dark-headed woman (Russian). Pass the praise on to him???? And I also praise the interior design of the store! I will definitely visit myself and recommend it to others. (Original) Ülimeeldiv teeninduskogemus!???? Mõnus personaalne lähenemine, nagu oleks sõbrannaga koos ehteid valinud. Kahjuks ei mäleta teenindaja nime, oli noorem tumedapäine naisterahvas(venelanna). Andke talle kiitused edasi???? Ja kiidan ka poe sisekujundust! Külastan kindlasti ise ja soovitan ka teistele.


Väga hea, proffesionaalne ja sõbralik teenindus. Soovitan!

inga tael


(Translated by Google) Very good, professional and friendly service. Recommend! (Original) Väga hea, proffesionaalne ja sõbralik teenindus. Soovitan!


Стильный дизайн магазина, ненавязчивые, но в то же время всегда готовые помочь продавцы, качественные и ооочень красивые украшения. Рекомендую!

Kristina Matviets


(Translated by Google) Stylish store design, unobtrusive but at the same time always ready to help salespeople, high-quality and very beautiful jewelry. I recommend! (Or... (Translated by Google) Stylish store design, unobtrusive but at the same time always ready to help salespeople, high-quality and very beautiful jewelry. I recommend! (Original) Стильный дизайн магазина, ненавязчивые, но в то же время всегда готовые помочь продавцы, качественные и ооочень красивые украшения. Рекомендую!


Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pi... Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pieces there! We made a purchase in the store in Viru Keskus, and the saleswoman there was so nice to us, she helps a lot, gives the best consultation, and boxes your item in a very elegant way! Will definitely come back for all our jewelry purchases :)

Maya Hajizada


Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pi... Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pieces there! We made a purchase in the store in Viru Keskus, and the saleswoman there was so nice to us, she helps a lot, gives the best consultation, and boxes your item in a very elegant way! Will definitely come back for all our jewelry purchases :)

A Google User


Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pi... Very nice store with a huge amount of choices, and should admit that all products are so uniquely beautiful and it is really hard to make a choice seeing all beautiful pieces there! We made a purchase in the store in Viru Keskus, and the saleswoman there was so nice to us, she helps a lot, gives the best consultation, and boxes your item in a very elegant way! Will definitely come back for all our jewelry purchases :)


Great service and reasonably priced.

Daniel Haab


Great service and reasonably priced.

A Google User


Great service and reasonably priced.


Великолепный выбор трендовых украшений по доступной цене. Приветливые консультанты помогли с выбором украшения на меня и подарком для мамы. Вернусь сразу, как откроеться ... Великолепный выбор трендовых украшений по доступной цене. Приветливые консультанты помогли с выбором украшения на меня и подарком для мамы. Вернусь сразу, как откроеться магазин, так как присмотрела еще одно для себя.

елена петтай


(Translated by Google) A great selection of trendy jewelry at an affordable price. Friendly consultants helped with choosing a jewelry for me and a gift for my mother. I'... (Translated by Google) A great selection of trendy jewelry at an affordable price. Friendly consultants helped with choosing a jewelry for me and a gift for my mother. I'll be back as soon as the store opens, as I looked after another one for myself. (Original) Великолепный выбор трендовых украшений по доступной цене. Приветливые консультанты помогли с выбором украшения на меня и подарком для мамы. Вернусь сразу, как откроеться магазин, так как присмотрела еще одно для себя.

A Google User


(Translated by Google) A great selection of trendy jewelry at an affordable price. Friendly consultants helped me choose jewelry for me and a gift for my mother. I’ll be ... (Translated by Google) A great selection of trendy jewelry at an affordable price. Friendly consultants helped me choose jewelry for me and a gift for my mother. I’ll be back as soon as the store opens, as I’ve got my eye on another one for myself. (Original) Великолепный выбор трендовых украшений по доступной цене. Приветливые консультанты помогли с выбором украшения на меня и подарком для мамы. Вернусь сразу, как откроеться магазин, так как присмотрела еще одно для себя.


Покупали обручальные кольца в этом магазине. Отличное качество и приятные цены. Спасибо работникам за помощь в выборе колец и оформление заказа!

Anna Kravtšuk


(Translated by Google) Bought wedding rings from this store. Excellent quality and reasonable prices. Thanks to the employees for their help in choosing rings and placing... (Translated by Google) Bought wedding rings from this store. Excellent quality and reasonable prices. Thanks to the employees for their help in choosing rings and placing an order! (Original) Покупали обручальные кольца в этом магазине. Отличное качество и приятные цены. Спасибо работникам за помощь в выборе колец и оформление заказа!

A Google User


(Translated by Google) We bought engagement rings from this store. Excellent quality and reasonable prices. Thank you to the employees for your help in choosing rings and... (Translated by Google) We bought engagement rings from this store. Excellent quality and reasonable prices. Thank you to the employees for your help in choosing rings and placing your order! (Original) Покупали обручальные кольца в этом магазине. Отличное качество и приятные цены. Спасибо работникам за помощь в выборе колец и оформление заказа!


Teenindaja oli meeldivalt aktiivne ning abivalmis. Tänan.

Meelis Puura


(Translated by Google) The attendant was pleasantly active and helpful. Thank you. (Original) Teenindaja oli meeldivalt aktiivne ning abivalmis. Tänan.


Отличный магазин. Девчонки симпатичные :)

Dmitry Lebedev


Meeldiv ja sõbralik teenindus! Teenindaja aitas asjatundlikult leida sobivaima ehte. Ilmselgelt lähen sinna taaskord tagasi :)

Rita Gullord


(Translated by Google) Pleasant and friendly service! The waitress expertly helped to find the most suitable jewelry. Obviously I'm going back there again :) (Original) ... (Translated by Google) Pleasant and friendly service! The waitress expertly helped to find the most suitable jewelry. Obviously I'm going back there again :) (Original) Meeldiv ja sõbralik teenindus! Teenindaja aitas asjatundlikult leida sobivaima ehte. Ilmselgelt lähen sinna taaskord tagasi :)

A Google User


(Translated by Google) Pleasant and friendly service! The attendant expertly helped to find the most suitable piece of jewelry. I will definitely go back there again :) ... (Translated by Google) Pleasant and friendly service! The attendant expertly helped to find the most suitable piece of jewelry. I will definitely go back there again :) (Original) Meeldiv ja sõbralik teenindus! Teenindaja aitas asjatundlikult leida sobivaima ehte. Ilmselgelt lähen sinna taaskord tagasi :)


Шикарный выбор украшений, отличное обслуживание.

Irina Stserbakova


(Translated by Google) Great choice of jewelry, great service. (Original) Шикарный выбор украшений, отличное обслуживание.

A Google User


(Translated by Google) Great selection of jewelry, excellent service. (Original) Шикарный выбор украшений, отличное обслуживание.


Очень красивый магазин! Выбор изделий потрясающий. Подход к клиенту на высоте. Все работники профессионалы своего дела. К каждому клиенту персональный подход. Помогут в л... Очень красивый магазин! Выбор изделий потрясающий. Подход к клиенту на высоте. Все работники профессионалы своего дела. К каждому клиенту персональный подход. Помогут в любом вопросе. Покупала уже не раз украшения в Гивене, и буду дальше покупать! А главное, очень комфортные условия для приобретения любого украшения!

Eve Jassinover


(Translated by Google) Very nice store! The selection of products is amazing. The approach to the client is excellent. All employees are professionals in their field. Eac... (Translated by Google) Very nice store! The selection of products is amazing. The approach to the client is excellent. All employees are professionals in their field. Each client has a personal approach. They will help with any question. I have bought jewelry in Given more than once, and I will continue to buy! And most importantly, very comfortable conditions for purchasing any jewelry! (Original) Очень красивый магазин! Выбор изделий потрясающий. Подход к клиенту на высоте. Все работники профессионалы своего дела. К каждому клиенту персональный подход. Помогут в любом вопросе. Покупала уже не раз украшения в Гивене, и буду дальше покупать! А главное, очень комфортные условия для приобретения любого украшения!

A Google User


(Translated by Google) Very beautiful store! The selection of products is amazing. The approach to the client is excellent. All employees are professionals in their field... (Translated by Google) Very beautiful store! The selection of products is amazing. The approach to the client is excellent. All employees are professionals in their field. Personal approach to each client. They will help you with any question. I have bought jewelry from Given more than once, and I will continue to buy! And most importantly, very comfortable conditions for purchasing any jewelry! (Original) Очень красивый магазин! Выбор изделий потрясающий. Подход к клиенту на высоте. Все работники профессионалы своего дела. К каждому клиенту персональный подход. Помогут в любом вопросе. Покупала уже не раз украшения в Гивене, и буду дальше покупать! А главное, очень комфортные условия для приобретения любого украшения!


Очень хороший магазин и внимательный персонал. Покупала кольцо здесь, мне очень помогла консультант Дарья. Всем советую заходить сюда.

Galina Vatter


(Translated by Google) Very nice shop and helpful staff. I bought a ring here, the consultant Daria helped me a lot. I advise everyone to come here. (Original) Очень хор... (Translated by Google) Very nice shop and helpful staff. I bought a ring here, the consultant Daria helped me a lot. I advise everyone to come here. (Original) Очень хороший магазин и внимательный персонал. Покупала кольцо здесь, мне очень помогла консультант Дарья. Всем советую заходить сюда.

A Google User


(Translated by Google) Very nice store and attentive staff. I bought a ring here, the consultant Daria helped me a lot. I advise everyone to come here. (Original) Очень ... (Translated by Google) Very nice store and attentive staff. I bought a ring here, the consultant Daria helped me a lot. I advise everyone to come here. (Original) Очень хороший магазин и внимательный персонал. Покупала кольцо здесь, мне очень помогла консультант Дарья. Всем советую заходить сюда.


Прекрасный салон! Спасибо за обслуживание!

Olga Voronets


Прекрасный салон, куда хочется возвращаться снова. Консультант Варвара предложила обслуживание на самом высоком уровне. У нее прекрасный тонкий вкус к красоте и эстетике,... Прекрасный салон, куда хочется возвращаться снова. Консультант Варвара предложила обслуживание на самом высоком уровне. У нее прекрасный тонкий вкус к красоте и эстетике, она помогла мне подобрать украшения, которые радуют меня каждый день!

Nadežda Muttonen


(Translated by Google) A wonderful salon where you want to come back again. The consultant Varvara offered the highest level of service. She has a wonderful delicate tast... (Translated by Google) A wonderful salon where you want to come back again. The consultant Varvara offered the highest level of service. She has a wonderful delicate taste for beauty and aesthetics, she helped me choose jewelry that delights me every day! (Original) Прекрасный салон, куда хочется возвращаться снова. Консультант Варвара предложила обслуживание на самом высоком уровне. У нее прекрасный тонкий вкус к красоте и эстетике, она помогла мне подобрать украшения, которые радуют меня каждый день!

A Google User


(Translated by Google) A wonderful salon where you want to come back again. Consultant Varvara offered service at the highest level. She has a wonderful, subtle taste in ... (Translated by Google) A wonderful salon where you want to come back again. Consultant Varvara offered service at the highest level. She has a wonderful, subtle taste in beauty and aesthetics, and she helped me choose jewelry that makes me happy every day! (Original) Прекрасный салон, куда хочется возвращаться снова. Консультант Варвара предложила обслуживание на самом высоком уровне. У нее прекрасный тонкий вкус к красоте и эстетике, она помогла мне подобрать украшения, которые радуют меня каждый день!


Väga meeldiv teenindaja - Jelena. Aitas meil pulmasõrmuseid valida. Kindlasti soovitame tuttavatele!

Viktoria Ivanchuk


(Translated by Google) Very nice waitress - Jelena. Helped us choose wedding rings. Definitely recommend to acquaintances! (Original) Väga meeldiv teenindaja - Jelena. A... (Translated by Google) Very nice waitress - Jelena. Helped us choose wedding rings. Definitely recommend to acquaintances! (Original) Väga meeldiv teenindaja - Jelena. Aitas meil pulmasõrmuseid valida. Kindlasti soovitame tuttavatele!

A Google User


(Translated by Google) Very pleasant waitress - Jelena. Helped us choose wedding rings. We will definitely recommend it to friends! (Original) Väga meeldiv teenindaja - ... (Translated by Google) Very pleasant waitress - Jelena. Helped us choose wedding rings. We will definitely recommend it to friends! (Original) Väga meeldiv teenindaja - Jelena. Aitas meil pulmasõrmuseid valida. Kindlasti soovitame tuttavatele!


Прекрасный персонал. Всегда приятно возвращаться.

Nadezda B
